Pelvic Floor Muscle Exercise: How to do Kegel Exercises.
It is possible you haven't heard of Kegel also known as pelvic floor exercise and it's health benefits before today. Well, let me shade light on it so you know what it is about.
Kegel exercise is done by repeatedly contracting and relaxing the muscles of the pelvic floor. It involves a clench and release sequence of the Kegal muscles in the areas between the hips (Pelvic area). These muscles support the bladder, small intestine and the rectum (a part of the large intestine). The pelvic floor muscle exercise tighten,control and strengthen these kegal muscles.
Ageing, several health conditions can weaken the muscles of the pelvic floor causing urine incontinence, leakage and frequent urge to urinate. Infact, common reflexes such as coughing and sneezing can stress these muscles causing them to relax and leading to the flow of urine out of the bladder involuntarily (Stress incontinence).
During pregnancy and after childbirth in women, it is advisable to control and strengthen these muscles to prevent incontinence. Also, it helps relaxes and control the vaginal muscles making it easier to reach orgasm.
Furthermore, keeping these muscles 'fit' helps your Uterus, bladder and your bowel from sagging down into the vagina.
In men, aside the prevention of urine incontinence, it promotes the longevity of erection, prevent premature ejaculation and boost sexual performance and improves prostrate pain and swelling.
Also, it prevents hemorrhoid by increasing blood flow and circulation to the rectum-anal region. There are several other benefits of these exercises.
Kegel Exercise
Step 1
* Empty your bladder
* Sit or lie on your back
* Tighten your pelvic floor muscles for about 5-8 seconds
*Do not hold your breathe or tighten the stomach
* Relax the muscles for another 5-8 seconds
You should do about 5-10 times for a set then repeat the sets 2-3 times daily.
Step 2
*While urinating
*Stop urination midstream
*Contract the pelvic floor muscles for 5 seconds
*Relax pelvic floor muscles for 5 second...repeat this about 5 times, 3 times daily.
Pelvic floor Exercise for Urine Incontinence
Bridge Kegel
* Lie on ur back
* Lift ur legs in an arc towards your body.
*Lift your body up gradually till a bridge is formed with legs apart.
*Squeeze the pelvic floor muscle for about 4-8seconds
*Release the muscles and relax your body as well. Repeat about 10 times a set...Do two-three sets daily.
(Picture Source: Internet)
*Stand upright with legs apart and hands stretched forward or by the sides
*Gradually bend and squat in the air or resting on a wall for 3-5seconds
*stand upright again
*Also, you can squat with knee apart and stay in position for 5-10 seconds.
*Repeat 10 times for a set
*Do 2-3sets daily.
Bird Dog Kegel
*Knees on the floor
*Place ur hands on the floor away from your legs(legs apart).
*Stretch one leg in the air while raising the alternate hand in the air as well.
*Stay in position for 4-6sec then relax
*Repeat 5 times for both legs for a set(10 times)
*Do this 2-3 times daily.
Dead Bug Kegel
*These is a reverse of Bird Dog but done with the back on the floor.
Split Table top Kegel
(Picture Source: Internet)
*Lie on you back with hands by the side
*Raise legs up side to side in the air.
*Close legs up and return to the ground
Repeat 10 times. Twice daily.
One can tell if these muscles are strengthened enough by being able to control them when they are either engage and disengage.
Kegel exerises requires no equipment, however, doing it wrongly or incorrectly can worsen one's condition causing urine leakage, relaxation/weakness of muscle and severe tightening of these muscles.
Finally, one can do these stress free exercise anywhere at any convenient time.